Optimized Lighting Solution

Through a lot of research, lighting techniques at the right point and side optimize lighting so that Warna Warni OOH advertising spot can convey messages in advertisements clearly without adding extra costs or energy for maintenance.

ECO Friendly Advertising

Warna Warni combines two resources by utilizing Conventional Electricity with Solar Energy for lighting OOH products and using LEDs to be energy-efficient and long-lasting.

24/7 Surveillance

The placement of each OOH from Warna Warni has a strategic point with 24/7 supervision, where if there are problems, Warna Warni will immediately respond.

Prime Locations

The placement of each OOH from Warna Warni has a strategic point with bunch traffic for hundreds of thousands vehicles and pedestrians.

Legal Strategy

Convenience and tranquility of consumers is a priority of Warna Warni. Consumers don’t need to be upset with OOH’s licensing or security. Take a relax because all of the legal permissions are guaranteed by Warna Warni.

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